Tuesday, June 15, 2010

American Airlines

I certainly believe American Airlines has the right to choose whether or not to offer web pornography to it's fliers. Although, In my opinion they should filter web porn to be inaccessible to the passengers. I believe pornography magazines are offered in airport convenience stores, and besides it seems absurd that a passenger can not go the length of the flight without watching porn. Just wait till you land!


  1. I think that there are passengers who would have an issue with your point. It is not simply a matter of pornography being offered on a plane, it the airline itself claiming it has some right and even an obligation to restrict and censor freedom to surf the internet. Of course people with any sense of common decency shouldn't watch porn in a public area like a plane, but neither should an airline be able to limit freedom.

  2. I believe that pornography should not be a chice of viewing on airlines. I'm sure if you get a different variety of people on a plane and your neighrbor who you have never met before yet they are sitting next to you for the next four hours and they have choosen to watch porn with the slight possibility of them getting aroused by it might make there neighbor uncomfortable. Maybe the could have seperate bathrooms for adults where if you need that sort of thing you have the option but still akward with everyone knowing what you are going in there for.... I think if you can't go on a plane ride without watching porn maybe you shouldn't go on the plane at all.

  3. I disagree I don't see a valued reason for viewing porn on airplane, and why this is even a topic or a issue. We as humans or better yet Americans should have standards and morals. Yes we have are freedom but with that we have to think about the next generation and how we will affect them with the things were allowing.
